Where Does the Wind Blow?
The children will investigate through comparing the force of wind in different locations.
Big Idea: Wind strength will vary in different locations.
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- Wooden sticks (about eight inches long; one for each child)
- Strips of wrapping paper or tissue paper (about 8 inches long and one or two inches wide)
- Masking or scotch tape
- Chart paper, marker
- Ruler
One station/area for children to create their Wind-O-Meter stick with all materials and chart paper set up.
Activity Directions:
1. Have children wrap their strip of paper around the top of their long wooden stick and use a piece of tape to hold the paper in place. The Wind-O-Meter they’re creating will be used inside and outside to test the strength of wind in different places. Knowing this, have children make predictions that can be recorded on the chart paper about where they think the wind will be strongest and weakest.
2. Have the children test out their Wind-O-Meter in different settings. For example, hold it near a vent, by an open window, in the backyard, or test blowing on it. Record all observations on the chart paper. Are the results impacted by holding the Wind-O-Meter higher or lower in the air?
3. Test different predictions and return to the chart paper to discuss ways that wind can be blocked or lessened and how objects can impact the strength of the wind.
Investigative Questions:
Q. Does the location of the Wind-O-Meter make a difference? What about the strength of the wind?
Q. Did the Wind-O-Meter blow more when blown on by the wind, or by the child?
Q. Would the results be the same with a longer strip of paper?
Q. Was the amount of wind you made by blowing strong enough to make the paper stick straight out?
Q. Did the Wind-O-Meter react more to wind created outside or inside?
Learning Standards
12.D.ECa Describe the effects of forces in nature.
Children will describe the impact of wind on their Wind-O-Meter, noticing when the wind is strongest and weakest.
12.D.ECb Explore the effect of force on objects in and outside the early childhood environment.
Children will explore and categorize the impact the different wind strengths and locations has on their Wind-O-Meter.
12.E.ECa Observe and describe characteristics of earth, water, and air.
Children will make observations of the wind, the force of the wind, and where the wind is the strongest.
Breeze: a gentle wind
Calm: little or no wind at all
Energy: the ability to do work
Gale: a wind of moderate force
Hurricane: a wind of great force
Prediction: a guess about the future
Wind: moving air