Funky Brushes Kitchen Painting
Ready to paint but don’t have any brushes? No worries, anything can be a brush, even forks and spatulas!
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• Various kitchen utensils (spatula, forks, etc.)
• Paper
• Tempera or Finger paint
One station will be needed with all of the materials present. A sample to demonstrate how various utensils can be used to help students visualize how each item can be used.
1. Collect different kitchen utensils such as spatulas, forks, spoons, etc. and place them on the table along with the paper and paint.
2. Encourage and ask the students what shape each utensil is and how that utensil can be used to illustrate a picture.
3. Students utilize the kitchen utensils to illustrate a specific picture, such as flowers or the sun, or practice abstract art with the different shapes.
Investigation Questions:
• What can we use to make a straight line? A square? A circle?
• Have you painted before? What did you use to paint?
• Which is harder to paint with, a brush or a fork? Why?
• What can we use to make a sun? A flower?
Learning Standards
Students will be able to explore and demonstrate there’s more than one way to paint and show off their creativity with various kitchen utensils.
25.A.ECd Investigate and participate in activities using visual arts materials.
Students will be using non-traditional methods of painting with kitchen utensils.
11.A.ECb Develop and use models to represent their ideas, observations, and explanations through approaches such as drawing, building, or modeling with clay.
Students will use various kitchen utensils to paint and discover which utensils are the best vessels for painting various shapes.
26.B.ECa Use creative arts as an avenue for self-expression
Students will use kitchen utensils to illustrate their world around them.