Kitchen Jamboree
Observe, explore and investigate vibrating instruments in everyday places and create music in unique ways.
Big Idea: Many materials and objects make audible sounds when they vibrate
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Tito Puente, by Monica Brown
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- Pots or pans – wood, plastic, metal
- Bowls – wood, plastic, metal
- Cups – wood, plastic, metal
- Plates – wood, plastic, metal
- Spoons – wood, plastic, metal
- Marker
- Pencil
*Note: Metal will make a louder sound
Gather cups, bowls, plates, spoons etc. that can be used for this project and put in a circle to be played with for Kitchen Jamboree.
Activity Directions:
- Gather children and have them form a circle with their pots and pans. Have discussion about the definitions of vibrating and vibration.
- Discuss using a different object, than your hand, to strike the pot or pan. Q. What object could we use to strike the pots and pans that might produce a different sound than our hands? (spoon, mallet, marker, pencil etc.) How does it sound now? Why?
- Have two or three children beat a slow steady rhythm with you. Encourage other children to join in with variations of a rhythm after a rhythm has been established.
- Try experimenting with the plates, bowls and cups. Ask everyone with a plate to play a fast rhythm! Cups, play softly!
- Encourage children to explore volume amplitude. Make loud sounds, then soft sounds. Find a sound that is in between loud and soft.
- Encourage children to take turns conducting. Use basic arm movements as cues.
Investigation Questions:
Q. If the pots, pans, plates and bowls are resting on the floor, and no one is touching them do they make a sound?
Q. How can we use our hands to make the pot or pan make a sound? What kind of sound does it make?
Q. How were the sounds from the different pots and pans alike? How were the sounds different?
Q. Which pot or pan made the loudest sound? Why?
Q. Which pot or pan made the softest sound? Why?
Learning Standards
1.A.ECb Respond appropriately to questions from others
Children will be able to answer adult questions about the sounds they make.
11.A.ECc Plan and carry out simple investigations
Children will investigate what sounds they can make with different objects.
11.A.ECf Make meaning from experience and information by describing, talking, and thinking about what happened during an investigation.
Children will use words and actions to describe what happened when they made music with different objects.
12.D.ECb Explore the effect of force on objects in and outside the early childhood environment
Children will explore how the force they use to strike an object can have an effect on sound.
25.A.ECc Music: Begin to appreciate and participate in music activities.
Children will participate in making music with everyday objects
Vibration: A quake, wavering, vacillation, fluctuation, oscillation, quiver, shake Sound:vibrations traveling through air, water, or some other medium, especially those within the range of frequencies that can be perceived by the human ear. At sea level and freezing point, the speed of sound through the air is 1,220 km/760 mi per hour.A higher pitch sound has a faster frequency then a lower pitch sound. Things with the same pitch can be loud or soft (amplitude). Short sound waves make quiet sounds, while large differences (tall sound waves) make loud sounds
Amplitude: The height of a sound wave that indicates the intensity of the sound.Pitch:How low or how high a sound is perceived
Frequency: The number of waves (vibrations) for each sound pitch. It is determined by how fast the sound producing object vibrates. Fast is high. Slow is low. If they have the same frequency, then they have the same pitch. Things with the same pitch can be louder or softer or have a difference in amplitude